Celebrating 15 Years!
In September 2006, My Father's House opened to doors to our Transitional Housing Shelter and accepted our first residents. Some of our first residents had been homeless for some time and didn't want to leave the area due to local connections or resources. They eagerly awaited our opening and the opportunity to have a roof over their heads, regular meals and access to supportive services. Fifteen years later, the faces have changed but the needs have not.
We are so thankful to our donors for supporting us so that we can continue to serve the homeless in our community. Thank you for your partnership!

Recovered from homelessness and doing well.

Three of our kids have recovered from homelessness and are living great lives.

This single mom works at My Father's House now after recovering from homelessness and is doing very well.

Recovered from homelessness and doing well.
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The transitional housing program is funded by a federal grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Transitional housing allows our residential guests to stay for up to 2 years in housing as they make strides to improve their circumstances and viability for interdependent, responsible living within our community.
Our residents are given a room in which to live along with shared, private showers. The rooms were remodeled with an emphasis on decor more consistent with a home than an intuitional setting. Services are provided on site and off site through partnering organizations.
Transitional Housing with...
...Supportive Services
Supportive Services include the opportunities offered to our residents that helps them to recover and grow in knowledge and ability so as to be better equipped to maintain permanent housing.
Our counseling program is designed to be a convenient, low-cost alternative to other counseling offered in our area. Often counseling services may be sponsored and cost the client nothing if they qualify. Counselors are supplied by the MidAmerica Nazarene University Masters of Counseling program. Counselors come freshly trained and eager to serve. We get lots of positive feedback from this program. This service is made available to our entire community.
Life skill classes are provided with personal advancement in mind. Classes are offered on issues such as personal finance, relationship skills, job seeking and job performance skills, time management, home and vehicular maintenance and more.
Case management is provided for all residents. The case manager is an advocate, encourager, mentor and accountability partner to the residents. The case manger helps residents develop a plan for success. They help clients stay on task by meeting regularly with them and helping them overcome obstacles in progress.
Our medical clinic exists to address basic health care issues for for our residents. The clinic is staffed by a part-time nurse. The clinic can only address a limited number of issues. We are always seeking additional low cost care and/or prescription resources.
These groups are either peer-led or facilitator-led groups that meet to address a common issue. Thriving in a Step Family Group, Drugs and Alcohol Addiction Group, Anger Management Group, Depression and Bi-Polar Disorder Group, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Group and Kids Relational Skills Group are all examples of the types of groups offered.