Celebrating 15 Years!
In September 2006, My Father's House opened to doors to our Transitional Housing Shelter and accepted our first residents. Some of our first residents had been homeless for some time and didn't want to leave the area due to local connections or resources. They eagerly awaited our opening and the opportunity to have a roof over their heads, regular meals and access to supportive services. Fifteen years later, the faces have changed but the needs have not.
We are so thankful to our donors for supporting us so that we can continue to serve the homeless in our community. Thank you for your partnership!

Recovered from homelessness and doing well.

Three of our kids have recovered from homelessness and are living great lives.

This single mom works at My Father's House now after recovering from homelessness and is doing very well.

Recovered from homelessness and doing well.
About us

is to see every individual and family
living successfully and interdependently
within a caring community.

is to value the underserved rural population by assisting and empowering individuals and families to overcome life's challenges. Opportunities for growth are provided in a nurturing environment of grace, hope and optimism.
We love, accept and care for people just as they are.
We will partner with our clients to design a plan to promote growth through program participation.
We will encourage our clients to invest in volunteer service that is inspiring, fulfilling and helpful to others.
We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that serves the rural homeless in Kansas, Founded in 2003
Key Philosophies
While we would not consider ourselves extreme in our harm reduction methods, we do subscribe to the basic tenants of the philosophy. Click here for an article about harm reduction. Actually there is somewhat a middle ground between traditional philosophies of care and harm reduction.
It's called "Gradualism." Gradualism advocates are of the opinion that harm reduction programs are sometimes rooted in pessimism about the ability of people to improve their standing and to improve their behavior; that true harm reduction sets a low expectation to which clients will live down to. They tend to be more concerned that programs should urge clients toward abstinence when windows of opportunity open.
Harm Reduction and Gradualism are both philosophies that value people, even struggling people, and allow them input into how they can best be assisted. They are based on the value of acceptance which is not merely tolerance but is true love for those who struggle.
Housing First is a relatively recent innovation in human service programs and social policy regarding treatment of the homeless. Rather than moving homeless individuals through different "levels" of housing, known as the Continuum of Care, whereby each level moves them closer to "independent housing" (for example: from the streets to an emergency shelter to a transitional housing program, and from there to their own apartment in the community)
Housing First moves the homeless immediately from the streets or homeless shelters into their own apartments.My Father's House recognizes the many benefits of Housing First to those we serve. Our future programming will focus on programming with this philosophy in mind.For more information on Housing First, visit the website of the National Alliance to End Homelessness.